Monday 21 July 2014

Opening Sequence for a film / or film trailer

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Another great example of a contemporary film featuring an old school animated introduction.

American Splendor
It only makes sense for a film about a comic book creator to have the credits in a comic book fashion.

Reservoir Dogs

Breakfast Club student remake
 Take a look at art of the titles

Advertising Folder

In your folder should be completed

Cover sheet


Planning Sheet

Radio/ TV Advert

Billboard Advert


Tuesday 15 July 2014

Wednesday / Thursday Lesson

Example Radio Advert Script


Product: Tropi-Fizz soft drink – new.     Date: 8/12/11      Length: 30 seconds   Your Name


SFX: Background music: up tempo with a rhythmic beat, reggae-like

MVO: [North London accent, upbeat, deep low tone, medium pace].Thirsty? Dehydrated? In need of a rapid pick-me-up? Easy. Just pick up a can of Tropi-Fizz.

SFX:  Music stops, and insert sound of can opening and fizzing, and someone gulping down a drink. Music starts up again.

FVO: [Northern accent, upbeat, not too high, a medium pace].The unique flavours pack a punch and leaves you feeling replenished and ready to take on the day.

MVO: Visit our website at and try to win a fantastic holiday adventure! Terms and conditions apply, must be 16 or over.

SFX: Music fades stops.

MVO: Tropi-Fizz. Taste the tropics.


Task 2

Use the Q4 from your mock exam to write a letter to the Head of Marketing at their advertising agency (make up the name and address for you advertising agency)


  1. Why do you think your campaign will be successful?
  2. How does the campaign work together? In synergy?  (same slogan, similar storyline etc)
  3. Where would your advert be seen (which types of magazines) or heard (which radio stations/ TV stations and between which programmes and scheduling) and at what time and why?
  4. How does your campaign meets the expectations of the target audience?
  5. What representations are used in terms or people, places, ideas etc.?
  6. What consideration of rules and regulations may apply to your advert? (ASA – is your advert honest, decent, truthful and legal) or might it be misleading, harmful or offensive?


Tuesday 8 July 2014

Homework This week

 If you know you have a lot to do on your essay then during this week you are expected to complete at least Paragraph 1 - 5 & 7.  You can then complete P6 & 8 in the lesson.  As you will need the Media book to help with P6.

ASA and Clearcast

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Slogan generator for your product

You may find other slogan generator websites to help - take a look.

Homework Planning for Advert Due 30th June

A copy of the above planning sheet is in the shared drive for you to use please ensure that you either print a copy or email a copy to yourself to complete on the computer.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Questions for Advertising Controlled Assessment

Point, Example, Explain  - PEE – use quotes were appriopriate

Product & Advertising Agency (introduction paragraph 1)

1.      Who makes the product?

2.      What other products does the company make?

3.      How many similar products do they make?

4.      How many versions of the print adverts were in the campaign?   (e.g. NSPCC has 3 print versions)

5.      How long have they made the product for/ or how long have they been in business for?

6.      Who is the advertising agency for your product?

Challenge - What did the advertising agency write about the advertising campaign (how did they plan to represent the product/idea? How much money was spent on the campaign?


Audience (P 150 – 152) – paragraph 2

7.      First impressions write between 3- 5 adjectives to describe your first impressions of the advertising campaign.

8.      Target audience  - Age bracket, gender, economic status, (ABC1)  lifestyle (cowboy, egoist)

9.      Maslow needs

10.   Gillian Dyer - Lines of Appeal


Institution - placement of ads (paragraph 3 & 4)

11.   What type of magazine or newspaper would you find your product in men or women’s lifestyle (magazines which deal with lots of topics and issues to appeal to a wide audience?) or a niche market like cars, sports, music (NME, Q, Kerrang) or political (The Economist, Time magazine)  e.g. Men’s Health, GQ, FHM or Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan,  Quality, Red Top or Middle Market

12.   Which TV channel do you think your product might be advertised on? (BBC?)

13.   What time of day? (watershed?  family?  children? day time?)

14.   What type of programmes would it be advertised during (sport, soap opera, documentary, childrens)?

15.   What time of year?

16.   Where else might your advert be shown billboard? On buses? Posters by bus stops? Toilets?

17.   On the computer write your two paragraphs about print and TV advert placement using the answers from the questions above.  Either at home or in class (if you are able) research the ‘audience profile’ often called a Media Pack and write about who the publisher is for the newspaper/ magazine (the people who produce it) and who the audience is for the magazine/ newspaper.


Text & intertextual (Representation) paragraph 5

18.   Type of slogan (benefit, visionary)

19.   What does the name of the product suggest?  

20.   Typography (serif/sans serif, capital, 3D)

21.   Is the tone of the language serious/fun, formal/slang?

Challenge - Intertextual links (when one media text refers to another media text in a way that many consumers will recognise)


22.   Connotation/denotation – Look at P 154-156 (Representation) paragraph 5  & 6

·        What stereotypes are being used? Or countertypes (opposite to a stereotype)

·        Clothing/facial expression/ posture/ gesture/hair style, colour, length, facial hair

·        Makeup/ jewellery/watches/props?  What do they suggest? what do they represent?

·        Setting plain or busy, interior or exterior, day /night warm/cold

·        Product – colour scheme, size, shape, positioning,

·        Colour scheme

·        Photography – Which rules of composition are used and what does it suggest about the product.

Challenge - Look at male and female Binary opposites in your book (Levi Strauss) -                                                                    which are being used (typical or atypical)



Regulation (Institution) - ASA, OfCom, Clearcast paragraph 7

·        What regulation would your print and TV advert be controlled by?

·        Has your brand been subject of any regulation rulings? 

·        Who has complained and what was of the outcome?


Sum up your thoughts about the campaign.  Do you think it has been successful in appealing to its target market, explain?

Challenge - Has it continued with a similar campaign as before/after.  Why has it changed or stayed similar?

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Coca Cola Advert example

Please find the link to the example essay for this campaign for the coke side of life
Above is an alternative to how you might structure part of your 'essay' on the page with your print advert.  It would also be helpful to screen shot between 3 - 5 images from your TV advert to aid your deconstruction. 
Remember the key concepts are Representation and Institution  and the secondary concepts of Audience and Media Language.

DKNY advert example

Be Delicious Ad

Sample introduction using Lines of Appeal and Maslow
When I saw this ad, the first 5 adjectives that popped into my head were: seductive, bright, juicy, innocent, and fresh. There is one woman pictured in this ad which would make this ad geared towards women since it is for a women’s fragrance. Although the model in the ad is white, I think it is geared towards all women of any race ages 20-40. The models’ facial expression looks as if the camera accidentally caught her attention as she was eating the apple. It looks natural, not forced and her make up is minimal. Her long blonde hair and blue eyes represents a stereotypical beauty.  In advertising she may be seen as a 'fashionista'  (someone interested in the way she looks). Suggesting to the audience that you too will be beautiful if you use this 'natural' product.

The lighting appears to be natural, like on a bright summer day, and her hair is lit up all around making her look like an angel. The green apples is using the Nature and Natural World as the Line of Appeal (Gillian Dyer) and it connotates that you would  smell fresh and natural if you used this  product. The lightly tanned skin suggest sunshine and summer and connotates freedom and happiness.  In the right had advert the way the man looks longingly at the women link to audience need to be noticed and desired. (Maslow)

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Spellings & Sentences 19th May

Homework Lines of Appeal Due Tue 20th May

 Homework this week is to produce a document on word or PowerPoint or poster showing examples of adverts for each of Gillian Dyers Lines of Appeal.  The extension (shown below) is to explain how the line of appeal is being used. Homework due Tuesday 20th May.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Computer Comic Front Cover example

barcode missing

Media Studies Assignment 1 Comic Coursework Brief and Front cover checklist

 Comic Brief

You are a designer working for The Island Publishing House (IP) who is planning to launch a new comic. 

The marketing department has identified a gap in the market for a new weekly comic .  At IP we have a policy of trying to educate our readers without making it too obvious.  We are committed to helping kids adopt a healthier and safer lifestyle so part of your job will be to come up with suggestions for characters and storylines as well as a name for the new comic, that will help promote this message without being boring. Try to reflect a multicultural society.

We want some original characters with a rebellious streak.  We want to create characters that youngsters are going to identify with, going back to the days of British comics like Minnie the Minx and Denis the Menace or a superhero for a new generation. This is not going to be an easy task, but make sure your response reflect this! Hand in all work by 10am Thursday 13th February 2014.

Ms C Lyons (The Editor)

Email -

Task 1 A   Produce a front cover for a new comic and create one or two character profiles.
Ensure that your comic has the following
  • Title &  Selling Line (optional)
  • The puff / buzz word e.g. The best, the biggest, new, mega
  • The cover lines (information like a newspaper headline that tells you what is inside the comic brief but enigmatic)
  • The freebie/competition - choice of freebie in relation to audience e.g. colour pencils for primary
  • Style of font /logo - Title should be a unique font
  • Price, barcode, date
  • Main image (and insert images) optional



Homework - Complete front cover of comic and evaluation

You are required to complete the front cover and evaluation letter/ email by last lesson next week. Wed 5th /Thu 6th March.  During the lessons next week we will complete the comic deconstructions.                                                                                                                                      

  • Evaluation – Email the Editor of The Island Publishing House to convince her that your ideas will work, use words like audience, representation, conventions, stereotypes, connotations, genre. 

·         Define your audience age range and gender and how they would be targeted. (pre-school (3 - 6), primary audiences (7 – 11), and teens (12 – 15). ) and consider possible secondary audiences.

·         Write how and why the product might be consumed (read) – refer to your pre-production tasks on why children like comics and superheroes traits, gender stereotypes and the Uses and Gratifications Theory.

·         Select several features that appear on the front cover e.g. (free gifts, websites, competitions, stories) that would be included in the comic and explain how they would attract the audience.

·         Explain how your suggestions are in line with the brief and how this new comic will be different and appeal to today’s audience? (think about interactivity websites etc. and how the Dandy changed to reflect changes in children’s interests)

200 words

Example comic assignment front cover, character profile & evaluation


Writing a letter - beginning and endings

You have the option of writing your evaluation to Ms C Lyons as either an email or a letter

When the recipient’s name is unknown to you:
Dear Sir or Madam … Yours faithfully

When you know the recipient’s name:
Dear Ms Lyons… Yours sincerely

Please note only the first letter is a capital Yours faithfully and Yours sincerely

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Kraze Club deconstruction example

Title Kraze Club                                                                                                                                                        The font style is like crazy paving which visually represents the title.  The title is misspelt to suggesting it is trendy and cool and is a pun - which suggests this is the best (comic) at the moment to be into (craze) or the name suggests that it is a bit whacky and fun (crazy). The colour of the title is orange on a purple background which connotates fun and adventure suggesting that is what the audience will have if they read this comic the purple is a colour which suggest mystery perhaps there will surprises in store for the audience inside the comic .  The word club in the title suggests you’ll be part of a team who all enjoy this comic and with give you something in common with others. (Personal Relationships Uses and Gratifications)

Selling Line The UK’s Biggest – Selling Magazine for Kids                                                                              Uses informal language in addressing the ‘kids’  the words are all in capitals and use an outline to make them stand out the puff ‘Biggest’ suggests this must be the best and that they don’t read it they will miss out what everyone else is reading

Main Image                                                                                                                                                                Three characters  are the same size which suggests they are all equally important and their close proximity to each other suggest they are a team ( perhaps the audience can be part of that team) they have different hairstyles, facial expressions, and are dressed in different primary colours which suggest they have different personalities, this may allow the audience to identify (Uses and Gratifications) with at least one of the characters.

Main Coverline                                                                                                                                                            Is bigger than the others and is directly under the main image anchoring the meaning of the image ‘Brand New’ and ‘Meet the next generation!’ suggests to the audience that this is something they don’t - but should know about. Asking the audience to ‘Meet’ is a direct mode of address which is backed up by the main characters who all look out directly at the audience. The middle character seems to be showing the audience a card but it is hidden by the text again creating an enigma . (Barthes)

Buzz /Puff words                                                                                                                                                                Stand out in colour boxes in the secondary coverlines in order to  grab the audiences attention ‘Revealed’ and ‘Exclusive’ and ‘Unmissable!’ persuasive  language all suggesting - you must read this comic or miss out. 

Mega Giveaway                                                                                                                                                          A freebie is always a draw on the front cover but here it is a ‘mega’ giveaway inside this suggest that it is bigger and better than any other freebie –  to tease the audience so that they want to buy the comic to find out what is being given away.

Target Audience                                                                                                                                                         I think the primary target audience for this comic is boys aged between 8 – 11 based on the preponderance  of characters that are male,  the stereotypically male sport – football and the more masculine blue background and active colour scheme used. The secondary audience is girls as the comic says ‘KIDS’ on the selling line.


Tuesday 21 January 2014

Marvel and CP Hero Factory Superhero Creators

You can use these programmes to male superheroes then print screen when you have finished and add to a powerpoint so that you can write about their powers.  To remove the background - double click the image while in powerpoint and then click on remove background which is in the top left hand corner of the screen. Remember you may hand draw your characters instead. Enjoy.
 Try out the different computer superhero programmes click for hero factory or for the marvel.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Superhero traits and Character Profiles Homework Due 3rd February

Your homework is to produce a document which explains the traits of superheroes in general and you may also look at one superhero in particular use pictures.
The second part of the homework is for you to create at least one character profile for your comic front cover.  Use Propp's theory of character roles - remember that you can challenge stereotypes by having the woman as the hero and the man as the sidekick/ helper. Example below
Extension Create a second character profile for your comic.

Spellings & Sentences Due Monday 27th January

In your spellings & Sentences booklet please practise the following words and write a sentence using each of the words in a full sentence -