Tuesday 4 February 2014

Kraze Club deconstruction example

Title Kraze Club                                                                                                                                                        The font style is like crazy paving which visually represents the title.  The title is misspelt to suggesting it is trendy and cool and is a pun - which suggests this is the best (comic) at the moment to be into (craze) or the name suggests that it is a bit whacky and fun (crazy). The colour of the title is orange on a purple background which connotates fun and adventure suggesting that is what the audience will have if they read this comic the purple is a colour which suggest mystery perhaps there will surprises in store for the audience inside the comic .  The word club in the title suggests you’ll be part of a team who all enjoy this comic and with give you something in common with others. (Personal Relationships Uses and Gratifications)

Selling Line The UK’s Biggest – Selling Magazine for Kids                                                                              Uses informal language in addressing the ‘kids’  the words are all in capitals and use an outline to make them stand out the puff ‘Biggest’ suggests this must be the best and that they don’t read it they will miss out what everyone else is reading

Main Image                                                                                                                                                                Three characters  are the same size which suggests they are all equally important and their close proximity to each other suggest they are a team ( perhaps the audience can be part of that team) they have different hairstyles, facial expressions, and are dressed in different primary colours which suggest they have different personalities, this may allow the audience to identify (Uses and Gratifications) with at least one of the characters.

Main Coverline                                                                                                                                                            Is bigger than the others and is directly under the main image anchoring the meaning of the image ‘Brand New’ and ‘Meet the next generation!’ suggests to the audience that this is something they don’t - but should know about. Asking the audience to ‘Meet’ is a direct mode of address which is backed up by the main characters who all look out directly at the audience. The middle character seems to be showing the audience a card but it is hidden by the text again creating an enigma . (Barthes)

Buzz /Puff words                                                                                                                                                                Stand out in colour boxes in the secondary coverlines in order to  grab the audiences attention ‘Revealed’ and ‘Exclusive’ and ‘Unmissable!’ persuasive  language all suggesting - you must read this comic or miss out. 

Mega Giveaway                                                                                                                                                          A freebie is always a draw on the front cover but here it is a ‘mega’ giveaway inside this suggest that it is bigger and better than any other freebie –  to tease the audience so that they want to buy the comic to find out what is being given away.

Target Audience                                                                                                                                                         I think the primary target audience for this comic is boys aged between 8 – 11 based on the preponderance  of characters that are male,  the stereotypically male sport – football and the more masculine blue background and active colour scheme used. The secondary audience is girls as the comic says ‘KIDS’ on the selling line.


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