Wednesday 26 February 2014

Media Studies Assignment 1 Comic Coursework Brief and Front cover checklist

 Comic Brief

You are a designer working for The Island Publishing House (IP) who is planning to launch a new comic. 

The marketing department has identified a gap in the market for a new weekly comic .  At IP we have a policy of trying to educate our readers without making it too obvious.  We are committed to helping kids adopt a healthier and safer lifestyle so part of your job will be to come up with suggestions for characters and storylines as well as a name for the new comic, that will help promote this message without being boring. Try to reflect a multicultural society.

We want some original characters with a rebellious streak.  We want to create characters that youngsters are going to identify with, going back to the days of British comics like Minnie the Minx and Denis the Menace or a superhero for a new generation. This is not going to be an easy task, but make sure your response reflect this! Hand in all work by 10am Thursday 13th February 2014.

Ms C Lyons (The Editor)

Email -

Task 1 A   Produce a front cover for a new comic and create one or two character profiles.
Ensure that your comic has the following
  • Title &  Selling Line (optional)
  • The puff / buzz word e.g. The best, the biggest, new, mega
  • The cover lines (information like a newspaper headline that tells you what is inside the comic brief but enigmatic)
  • The freebie/competition - choice of freebie in relation to audience e.g. colour pencils for primary
  • Style of font /logo - Title should be a unique font
  • Price, barcode, date
  • Main image (and insert images) optional



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