Wednesday 26 February 2014

Homework - Complete front cover of comic and evaluation

You are required to complete the front cover and evaluation letter/ email by last lesson next week. Wed 5th /Thu 6th March.  During the lessons next week we will complete the comic deconstructions.                                                                                                                                      

  • Evaluation – Email the Editor of The Island Publishing House to convince her that your ideas will work, use words like audience, representation, conventions, stereotypes, connotations, genre. 

·         Define your audience age range and gender and how they would be targeted. (pre-school (3 - 6), primary audiences (7 – 11), and teens (12 – 15). ) and consider possible secondary audiences.

·         Write how and why the product might be consumed (read) – refer to your pre-production tasks on why children like comics and superheroes traits, gender stereotypes and the Uses and Gratifications Theory.

·         Select several features that appear on the front cover e.g. (free gifts, websites, competitions, stories) that would be included in the comic and explain how they would attract the audience.

·         Explain how your suggestions are in line with the brief and how this new comic will be different and appeal to today’s audience? (think about interactivity websites etc. and how the Dandy changed to reflect changes in children’s interests)

200 words

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