Tuesday 26 November 2013

Hoodie but Goodie - use for layout homework

 I wear hoodie... But I'm goodie

Just your average teen ... Oliver reckons British teens get unfairly bad wrap


UNDERAGE boozing, drugs, sex, street fighting ? British teens are Europe’s worst for all of these, says a new report. But The Sun met one streetwise teen who says you don’t have to break laws to be cool.
Oliver Jones, 16, reckons although he wears hoodies and meets his pals in the park after school, he still gets good grades and respects his parents. The Hampshire lad says:
TEENAGERS in the UK always get a bad rap and this report doesn’t help. There are going to be problem kids everywhere but it’s not right to sum up all Britain’s teens as bad.
I’m 6ft 3in and look a bit older than my age so it would be easy to get served in bars and go out on the lash but I’d rather hang out with my mates.
We play footie in someone’s garden after school or hang out in the park. We just have a laugh and take the mick out of one another. We never insult or annoy anyone, just do our own thing. But these kinds of studies scare people into thinking that we’re out to cause harm, even when we’re not.
I’m really into my music. I’ve been playing the electric guitar for about a year. Jimi Hendrix is my hero. Me and my mates often go to see gigs. I like heavy metal as well as stuff like The Killers and Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Most weekends we go to a party at one of our houses, usually about 20 of us. We mostly listen to music and chat. I don’t do drugs because it’s a waste of money. I know some people who might smoke a joint but when people start doing it every day, it ruins their lives.
Things have been a bit quiet recently as we’ve all been taking our GCSEs. I worked pretty hard and reckon I’ll get As and Bs. I need to work hard because I want to be a policeman.
I get on with most of the teachers, particularly my music teacher, and I usually hand my homework in on time. Now exams are over, I can chill out. I’ve always been popular with the girls but I’m in a relationship with a girl called Abbi who I’ve been seeing for about a year.
There are girls at my school who sleep around but I don’t respect them. They think sex is like a sport but I’d rather be in a serious relationship. I think they’re setting themselves up for a fall.
I live with my dad and step-mum. They’re both teachers so they’re quite strict and they won’t let me get away with much.
I have to sit down and eat dinner with them in the evening and they’re always checking on me to see if I’ve done my homework. Usually I get told off if my room’s a mess or if my music’s up too loud. It’s annoying, I’m my own person, but I just have to get on with it. I’d never swear at them and I always tell them where I’m going and when I’ll get back. It’s easier to do what I’m told than to argue with them. And they do loads of stuff for me so I suppose it’s only fair if I abide by their rules.
People don’t pick on me because I’m tall. I go the gym. I’m not mega muscly but I’m not weak either. I won’t stand for it if someone starts harassing me for no reason but I’d probably just walk away.
At the end of the day everyone’s different and these reports are wrong to brand all UK teenagers as bad.

The Sun Newspaper Oct 2007

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